
Zonta International and District 16 AwardsFor more informationDetailed information and applications on Zonta International website
YWIL Award Criteria and ApplicationYWIL AwardYWIL Award Application
Women in Business (Jane M Klausman) Criteria and ApplicationJMKWomen in Technology – JMK Application
Amelia Earhart Fellowship Criteria and ApplicationAmelia EarhartAmelia Earhart Application
Women in STEM Criteria and ApplicationWomen in STEM Application
District Club Awards
Cherry Raymond Award Application FormCherry Raymond Application
Women of the BienniumWomen of the Biennium Application
Club Awards – Coming Soon

Zonta International and District 16 Awards

District 16 offers a number of awards and scholarships in association with Zonta International to help women and girls on their learning journey to build a better world.  Applications to the Amelia Earhart Fellowship and Women in STEM are awarded through direct application to Zonta International.  The  Women in Business and Young Women in Leadership Award require applications to come via a local New Zealand Club.  You can find your local club here

District 16 offers two Club awards based on nominations received from clubs within the District.  These are the Zonta Woman of the Biennium and Cherry Raymond Awards. The awards are summarised below and link to further information.

Women in Business Scholarship

The Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship targets women of all ages to pursue education and careers in business.  Offered at the Zonta club, district/region and international levels, applications must come via local Club who may also offer a financial award, find your nearest club here .  Globally 37 scholarships of US$5,000 at the district/region level.  The District 16 (New Zealand) winner receives an additional NZ$1,000 .  A full list of the eligibility and application requirements are available on the Zonta International Website – JMK.

Young Women in Leadership Award

The Young Women in Leadership Award targets 16-19 year old women who demonstrate superior leadership skills and a commitment to public service and civic causes, and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life.  There are 37 International awards of US$5,000.  The District 16 (New Zealand) winner receives an additional NZ$1,000.  Applications are through a local Club, who may also offer a financial award, so find your nearest club here .  A full list of the eligibility and application requirements, refer to Zonta International Website – YWIL Award.

Amelia Earhart Fellowship

Named for Amelia Earhart, Zontian and legendary pilot the Amelia Earhart Fellowship is a $US10,000 award for 30 women across the globe who are pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related engineering.  Full details and application process are available on the Zonta International Website – Amelia Earhart.

Women in STEM

The Women in STEM is designed to encourage women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.  There are 32 scholarships of US$5,000 annually.  For a full list of the eligibility and application requirements, refer to

Zonta Women of the Biennium

This Biennial Award recognises an outstanding New Zealand woman, whose contribution to the lives of women and girls in the New Zealand community epitomises the values and aspirations of Zonta International.

Nominations are made by District 16 Zonta Clubs and close 31 May in odd years e.g. 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019.  To apply click here. The recipient is announced and presented at D16 Biennial Conference.

Cherry Raymond Award

Cherry Raymond Zonta International District 16 was established in memory of Cherry Raymond, Regional Representative 1972-1974, who established Zonta International in New Zealand and was subsequently elected Governor District 16 from 1990-1992. Cherry was a charter member of the Zonta Club on Auckland, and a committed advocate for women’s rights and gender equality.

This Biennial Award recognises the Zonta Club of the District which has the best service or advocacy project for the Biennium that epitomise the Zonta mission of building a better world for women and girls.

The Club that receives this Award may exclusively use the by-line:  “Zonta International District 16 Cherry Raymond Award Recipient 20xx – 20xx”