
Advocacy is a core part of Zonta’s mission and vision. Advocacy is the expression of support for or opposition to a cause, argument or proposal. Advocacy may include influencing laws, legislation or attitudes. Zonta advocacy is an action taken “in the public interest” or for “the greater good” with respect to empowering women and girls and their human rights.

The Advocacy Committee undertakes the following activities::

  • General advocacy matters related to women and girls
  • Coordinating Zonta say No to Violence Against Women activity throughout District 16
  • Making submission on upcoming legislation that will improve the status of women and girls
  • Representing District 16 on the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Committee
  • Representing District 16’s interests on the New Zealand International Caucus (convened by the Ministry for Women)
  • Engaging with Zonta International on women’s issues through the United Nations and Council of Europe Consultation process

The Advocacy Chair for District16 for 2022-2024 Biennium is Sarah Barclay. Contact Sarah at

Advocacy Resources

Zonta D16 submission regarding Women’s Employment Action Plan18th June 2022Download File
National Strategy and Action Plans to eliminate family violence and sexual violence28th June 2021Download File
Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion (Safe Areas) Amendment Bill Submission9th June 2021Download File
Zonta – Equal Pay Amendment Act 20203rd Nov 2020Download File
Holidays (Bereavement Leave for Miscarriage) Amendment Bill (No 2) Submission20th April 2020Download File
Zonta D16 submission on Sexual Violence Legislation Bill20th April 2020Download File
Zonta D16 submission on Abortion Legislation Bill20th April 2020Download File
Crimes (Definition of Female Genital Mutilation) Amendment Bill Submission20th April 2020Download File
About Advocacy in District 1614th Jan 2019Download File
Fact Sheet New Family Violence Legislation14th Jan 2019Download File
Position Paper Preventing Forced Early Marriages and Relationships in New Zealand14th Jan 2019Download File
Strategic Framework for ZI District 16 Advocacy 2018 202014th Jan 2019Download File