It’s hard to believe this might be my final Heartbeat
After 23 months of an incredible 24-month term, I want to express my deepest gratitude. These two years have been a special gift, and I thank you for allowing me to lead District 16. Being a part of Zonta and making a positive impact from the ground up is truly a privilege.
Serving as your Governor has been an honour. Thank you for believing in me. It takes courage, time, resources, and passion to reach this role, and you’ve all taught me so much.
I know it’s not always perfect, but each day we give our best, and that dedication matters. I’m so proud of all of you—Zontians are truly incredible people. Thank you for everything you do and for being “Zontians in Action.”
I’ve learned so much in this role, to have the courage to embrace new challenges, to encourage others to be brave, and to support each other with kindness. When we work together, we achieve more and make a greater impact.
I’m in awe of how we’ve reached our biennium financial goals. I am totally in awe of you all how we have reached our TWO Biennium Financial Goals.
The District Project, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren = $78,624.14 ($70,000 NZD was our goal).
Zonta International Foundation = $73,712.00 USD ($70,000 USD was our goal) for the projects and awards around the world.
Give yourselves all a massive high five. All your hard work is touching the lives of many women and girls around the world.
The fundraising you do is life-changing, so when you sell that next ticket to an event you are hosting, making products to sell, ZSN events, IWD events, breakfast speaker events, quiz nights, Christmas House Tours, Bookarama, fashion evenings and so much more you know it’s all going to help someone else. How kind are you all!
The Z Clubs and Golden Z Clubs are shining stars of our future. Celebrating milestones like the 30th birthday of the Avonside Girls High School Z Club in Christchurch on June 7th is a testament to the impact we have on young women. Thank you for nurturing these future leaders in the clubs around the country.
Thank you to all my wonderful D16 Board. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the friendship and support as we worked together for New Zealand and our World. We know there will always be things you wanted to do, and wish you’d done better, me too, but take a bow, you are incredible people and your dedication to your clubs has been so good. It’s been a true honour to work with you all. As we say, fun with purpose.
Thank you again for all you do for our D16 members. Just think about all we have achieved together over the past biennium. I am extremely proud of you, my District. It’s been an incredible journey and I thank you all for taking on our messages of having healthy clubs, if you have a healthy club you can invite visitors. You’ve done me proud, I know many of you have worked on this. And I thank you personally! If you need any help with the Zonta Spirit and things you wish to do but aren’t sure how, that is why you have your amazing Area Directors, they are to guide and support you through these times.
I have full confidence in incoming Governor Jen McKinlay-Birkin and Lt Governor Sarah Barclay and their D16 Board. They’ll continue to support and guide you through their biennium. And I wish you all a safe and happy next Biennium, 2024-2026.
We have some wonderful celebrations in this Heartbeat, once again, I hope you enjoy reading. Thank you again for this incredible journey. It’s been an honour to lead and learn from you all.
With love and respect, Phillippa.
It’s not about what you or I can do on our own; it’s about what we can do together. We are always stronger when we work together.
Nga mihi nui
Zonta International District 16 (New Zealand)
Woman of the Biennium 2022-2024

We are thrilled to announce the recipient of the prestigious Zonta New Zealand ‘Woman of the Biennium’ Award for 2022-2024. After careful consideration of many high-caliber nominations, we are proud to recognise Lady Tureiti Moxon as the winner of this
esteemed award.
Lady Moxon, nominated by the Zonta Club of Hamilton-Waikato, has made significant contributions to advocating for Māori healthcare and advancing Māori rights, health, and well-being. Her dedication and influence in these areas have established her as an outstanding role model in New Zealand. Lady Moxon embodies the values and aspirations of Zonta International, consistently empowering women through her diverse roles in governance, management, and education.
We extend our sincere gratitude to the clubs for their exceptional nominations this biennium. The caliber of the candidates was incredibly high, and we appreciate the effort and commitment each club has shown in putting forward such inspiring women.
Thank you once again for your contributions and continued support in recognising and celebrating the remarkable achievements of women in our community.
District Project – Biennium 2024 – 2026
Firstly thank you to the clubs that had put forward Projects for your D16 Board to narrow down to two Projects to vote from.
Your Presidents have all been sent more detailed information for you all to vote as a club, and the District Board also get a vote. Clubs with more than 30 members have two votes. Due back to myself, D16 Governor, by 19th June 2024.
In no particular order… here is a summary of both.
Foster Hope Charitable Trust aims to provide practical support to caregivers by supplying essential items to children in foster care. Started in Auckland in 2010, it has grown into a nationwide network of volunteers. They offer backpacks filled with essentials like pyjamas, toiletries, and books, symbolising care and support for both children and caregivers. With a track record of 13 years, Foster Hope assists 3500 children annually through 4500 volunteer hours. Their proposal seeks funding of $32,000 for the biennium to include educational books like “Girl Stuff” in backpacks for 400 girls aged 8 and up where education is needed. D16 Clubs can support Foster Hope by helping organise social activities and donating items such as shampoos for backpacks nationwide. This initiative is crucial for supporting girls in foster care who often face abuse and upheaval, easing their transition and providing hope. Visit www.fosterhope.org.nz for more information.

Dignity NZ, a social enterprise founded in 2017 by Miranda Hitchings and Jacinta Gulasekharam, aims to achieve period equity in New Zealand. Their mission is to make period products accessible to all, ensuring no one misses out on opportunities due to menstruation. With values of diversity, inclusion, sustainability, and transparency, Dignity provides affordable and sustainable period products. They focus on creating inclusive workplaces and public spaces, building inclusive communities, and supporting those in need by gifting free period products. Zonta D16 aims to support Dignity by funding reusable period products for student associations in selected tertiary institutions, purchased from local NZ-owned companies using organic and sustainable materials. These products will be packed and shipped by Dignity. Visit www.dignitynz.com for more information.

Again this is just a summary. Please see your President for more details on each Charity and how we can support them not just financially but also with service to them around
the country.
New memberships

What do you?
You will have seen that there are many Website Enquiries coming through the new (Sept 2023) website.
This is hugely exciting for us all as they come along to visit your clubs.
May I ask you to remember what it was like at your first meeting, how nervous you were? What if you are the person who brought the visitor along but you have to organise the raffle and talk to your committee members, your guest might be left standing there alone. That can be painful. So take them with you while you do your jobs, or have a buddy system if your club is big enough to have this, and get someone else to be with them. Not just the first meeting either, it can take 3-4 meetings until they remember someone’s name.
And if they visit, it’s not always the first time that they commit, so invite them again, maybe to just a social movie night with a few of you. It’s making someone feel like they belong that not only gets them to join – but helps them stay.
WHAT is the format for new members = Money, Register, Induct. It’s that simple, it’s not how your club might be doing it, but it is how your club should be doing it.
WHY? If you induct and don’t pay fees to ZI or to District, how do they get the welcome letter from ZI and D16? They can’t. Therefore it is very important you have them paid, then they get the induction at that next meeting – not when you have time (yes I know it sounds a bit tough, but we see it fall apart if you don’t follow this system). The system is there for a reason, please don’t adapt this. And if you are doing it this way – thank you so much.
Also when there is a NEW member joining, or Transferring, please let our D16 Treasurer know and also the D16 Secretary. We need to make them feel very welcome from D16.
Who else to ask?
Are you asking our Zonta International Awardees to visit to maybe join Zonta. They have our values, hence winning an award that implies our cause. They just may be interested. Again – sometimes it’s timing so ask a year after, a year after that and so on. Often it’s about timing.
IMPORTANT – Photos you are using
It’s been brought to our attention that one of our Clubs has used a photo that they shouldn’t have. A great photo, but not theirs to use. Hence we thought a timely reminder that you source your photos wisely.
It is extremely important that you are not just taking a “screenshot” and saving photos for use from other social media posts, or the internet to use on your posts, websites and newsletters.
AI “Artificial Intelligence” is smart and can scan the world to see who has “borrowed” their photos and there can be fines. We have asked you to be careful about this at the beginning of the biennium, this is just a friendly reminder.
There is a difference between Royalty free, and free. Royalty-free means you can use it anywhere but you still pay for it. Try and use your own photos – even better!

Convention 2024

We will be sending a CONVENTION News to those who are attending. Where to meet, what’s happening as a District. Please watch your emails coming this week.
Virtual Convention – sign up
Thank you to the 86 D16 Zontians and your partners for coming to the Convention. What an amazing time it will be. For those who have had the privilege of attending one or more before, then you know how fun and motivating they are. However, if you’ve not – then you’re in for a treat.
We know many of you would love to come, but commitments or other reasons stop you from doing so. We say, take the opportunity to sign up as a VIRTUAL member. You will be able to watch so much of it (and it’s near our time zone). Watch the speakers, presentations and more. You also get recordings to watch later.
Just click on this and it will take you to the Convention website. You can register from there. The virtual program includes pre-convention meets and live-streaming events
during Convention.
Proxy for Convention
If you have a Proxy for the Convention as your club is not attending in person. Please see that we have put the District Rules of Procedure.
Scroll down to page 5, and view 30. Appointment of club proxy to Convention or Conference. You must pay half their registration.
Zonta Club of Christchurch South have approximately 57 cotton and 12 silk scarves left to sell. The Zonta Says No Scarves, will be available from the Zonta Club of Christchurch South Zontians at Convention. 6 Designs to choose from.
Prices are $45 for cotton and $75 for the silk scarf
+ postage if you wish to organise before you go to convention.
It would be amazing if all Zontians from District 16 attending the Convention purchased a scarf (if you haven’t already) – that would be an incredible show of support and unity and would look absolutely stunning in a group photo in Brisbane 😉
There is no pressure, just an opportunity if you did wish to have one. Thank you again for the support in publicising our ZSN scarves it is much appreciated.

STEM Award 2024 Presentation
Sarina Todd was presented with her Zonta International Women in STEM certificate at the Auckland club meeting on May 20th.
Sarina was joined by her mother for the evening. Sarina received US$5000 from Zonta International as the District 16 awardee. Sarina is in the midst of her studies in Mechatronics at Auckland University and indicated that her research is going well, although she has a busy schedule of study.
We wish Sarina all the very best for her future and thank her for inspiring many around her.

Young Women in Public Affairs Award 2024
MacKenzie Wills, from Rolleston, Canterbury, has been awarded the 2024 Young Women in Public Affairs Award for International and District 16.
MacKenzie will receive NZD $1000 from District 16, recognising her outstanding commitment to volunteerism, volunteer leadership, and dedication to empowering women worldwide.
We are incredibly proud of MacKenzie for her contributions to her community and we extend our gratitude to the Zonta Club of Christchurch North for nominating her. This will be presented at Rolleston College at Assembly on June 7th 2024.

Zonta Club of Wellington, Zonta Science Award 2024
Thank you to the onto Club of Wellington – who have held yet another outstanding presentation evening.
The latest Zonta Science Award presentation was held on May 14 at the Wellington Club. Five former Award winners, science judges and a number of Zonta Club members were present to see Dr Hadee Thompson-Morrison receive her award from Dr Jan Pearson, former Science Convenor and sponsor.
Hadee is passionate about the sustainable management of natural resources, in particular, trace elements in soil. She will use the $20,000 grant to attend and present at a soil conference in Florence, followed by a collaboration with key researchers at Rothamsted Research, in the UK. She is aiming to refine her model, developed during her PhD, to include applications for assessing the nutritional quality of food crops.
Additionally, she is also involved in the non-profit sector, including co-founding the Sumatra Community & Conservation Trust in 2019 with three other women. This trust has the aim of raising funds and awareness for forest-edge communities and conservation projects in Sumatra, Indonesia.
Photo credit Joy Tracey
Area Meetings!

Wow, Wow, Wow!
Exciting to also have Areas 3 and 5 host their Area Meetings too!
Incredible to think that during my time as Area 3 Director, Lt Governor and now Governor I have been involved with 22 Area Meetings! To have been to 17 annual Area Meetings myself as a member. I love them, as it is a chance we all get to catch up with great friends we don’t see as often as we should and learn at the same time. Thank you to all of those who travelled this year. Much appreciated.
Thank you to you all for attending – it’s been so great to see so many of you as we travel around the country updating you all with the Zonta Strategic Goals until 2030 of what Zonta International are working on. The update from Advocacy, Zonta Says No, the friendship, the fun and the learning was fabulous.
We always hear good feedback and know you enjoy catching up. We do love to hear the comments “I wish I had gone” – so there is always next year!
What’s your elevator pitch?

We often hear, “no, I’ve not heard of Zonta, what is that?”. Therefore a little elevator pitch might just be perfect for you. Feel free to change to what feels comfortable for yourself. Maybe keep it on your notes.
Zonta is a fabulous International Organisation, that Builds a Better World for Women
and Girls.
It is easy to explain what we do in thirds.
We work Locally, Nationally and Internationally.
Doing Service, Fundraising and Advocacy.
We also have wonderful Awards, Scholarships and friendships.
We say YES for Gender Equality.
We say NO to Violence Against Women.
We say NOW for Climate Change.
We also have strong Youth Section Z Clubs in High Schools, Golden Z Clubs in Universities and Zonta Clubs all around the world.
It is a great place to make wonderful friends while working on a purpose of empowering each other while Building a Better World for Women and Girls.
#AlwaysBetterTogether #ZontiansInAction #zontainternational
Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women
We have packs for you coming – it will still be a couple of months away, but wanted you to know we are working on the designs as a District and what goes in the sets – so we can be consistent with our branding and our message around the country. Like the template for the ‘orange ladies’. It’s important with such an important message that we speak together on this, as it will be
more powerful.
Phillippa Elliot the current D16 Chair of ZSN will communicate with you through the incoming Governor, as they work together on this. Banners are still available for purchase – these you can order through the D16
Remember you can get a deal with the set of 3 banners:
Secretary. secretaryd16@zonta.org.nz

D16 Insurance – Thank you.
THANK YOU to Bruce Gray at AIC Risk Advisors – Bruce has been incredibly kind in the hours that he has donated as a broker, waiving his broker fee to D16. Hence why your insurance was sharper than we had anticipated.
This has been a wish of mine for many years. It feels wonderful to have us all protected.
And THANK YOU to all your clubs for the insurance. We know it is one more thing to pay for, however, we hope we never need to make a claim, we’ve been extremely lucky in D16 for not needing to call on it, let’s hope we still don’t
but for the $66 a year per club, we have complete peace
of mind.
Thank you too, for all the hard work from our D16 Treasurer, Jenny Philipson – you’ve done an outstanding
job too.

Share your story – to District 16

While we know it is amazing to have your stories go to Zonta International. We also know how important it is to have your stories shared in New Zealand. I know we would love to hear more.
We have added this to our D16 website – if you are sharing your story with ZI you still need to go to their website. In the meantime Share your Story with us at D16…

What happens when the new Board for D16 comes?
The Governor’s email address will go to Governor Jen, and so on. For example, our Governor’s email address gets a new login – the same address but a new driver behind
the scenes.
For example, I will not be clearing emails for the Governor after the Convention. And will be back to my pj@pinnacleandco.nz email address.

Thank you again for all you do, it is a true pleasure being your Zonta International D16 Governor. I absolutely get inspired by you all. Keep being visible and keep thinking of new ways to do this. We need to keep Zonta Fresh and inviting.
Let’s make this last quarter of this Biennium incredible.
Nga mihi,
Phillippa Jacobs-Lory
Governor 2022 – 2024,
District 16
Zonta International,
New Zealand