The Governors Message
Welcome, Nau mai haere mai, Salut, Salam, Salve, Guten Tag, Konnichiwa, Olá, Afio mai, Tervetuloa, Velkommen, to name but a few.
Happy International Women’s Day (month!).
Our hearts go out to everyone who has been affected by the horrendous weather over the last few weeks, from the flooding before Cyclone Gabrielle to the Cyclone itself and the days after. It’s been devastating for many of you, particularly our Zonta members in the North and Hawkes Bay, some of whom have lost their homes.
Thank you to everyone who has helped along the way and continue to do so. This has impacted not only members, but also the charities that we support, as you can imagine. Please continue to be yourself while also helping those around you.

International Women’s Day around New Zealand
Thank you for honouring International Women’s Day, or Zonta Rose Day as we call it. I was debating whether we indeed wait to send this and show the celebrations or send prior to, to ask you to celebrate. I can say, however, that sending your Zonta Heartbeat after was my decision because I wanted to show the fantastic events you all did, because let’s face it, if Zontians are good at anything, it’s celebrating each other, so congratulations to you all.
Since 1908, International Women’s Day has been observed. An opportunity to thank not only the women around the world who have empowered us all and stood up for human rights, but also to thank yourself. Every one of you is helping to make the world a better place for women and girls. You’ll be doing this subconsciously as well as through your deliberate efforts in Zonta and, most likely, in your daily lives. Whatever it is, I know I would like to personally thank YOU. It is a privilege to volunteer in our community. And I’d like to thank all of you for being Outstanding Women who make the world a better place! It is not overlooked.
How & when did IWD start? International Women’s Day has been observed since the early 1900’s – a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialised world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies.
1908. Great unrest and critical debate was occurring amongst women. Women’s oppression and inequality was spurring women to become more vocal and active in campaigning for change. Then in 1908, 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights.
To read more if interested click below

Area Meetings
We are excited to start the Area meetings this week!
Please note the new date confirmed for Area 1, now in May.
Thank you for your kind words on moving this date we know this is always a disruption to move a date. We can’t wait to see everyone.
We understand that this is a request for your valuable time.
It is part of your membership fee to have us travel around the country updating you on what is going on in your District. Zonta International has asked us to hold these educational events. These Area Meetings are designed not only to inform you, but also to allow you to share ideas and stories with other Zonta Clubs. We know that everyone who attends feels great doing so. Again, we appreciate your time, and we encourage you to get your clubs ready to go.
Remember how much you’d like others to attend when it’s your turn to host, so please respect their efforts in putting these Area Meetings together. Invitations from each Area are on their way to you.
We’ll see you all soon!
Zonta Club of Thames Valley – March 18th
Zonta Club of Manawatu – March 25th
Zonta Club of Invercargill – April 15th
Zonta Club of Marlborough – April 29th
Zonta Club of Auckland East – May 13th.

Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th September
We are pleased to inform you that the Conference will be held at the Christchurch Town Hall. Your fantastic conference committee did extensive research to determine where your conference could be held. The iconic Town Hall is ideal for our venue because it is located in the heart of the city, 1.5 blocks from our Cathedral Square. Our city has been rebuilt and is now regarded as one of the best places to visit in the world.
The Avon River connects the Town Hall via a beautiful walkway to downtown shopping, the Arts Centre, the Gardens, and fantastic dining options. The Terrace will please you if you like a little taste of fine food and fun cocktails, and it also has a delightful atmosphere.
We’d love to see you all from Friday lunchtime in our beautiful city, so you can spend the afternoon exploring. This will add to your trip and give you a great experience. Part of being in Zonta is having new experiences and enjoying new friendships. So, while your conference will have a business component, it is also critical that you come and enjoy this wonderful occasion. Especially after being so confined for the previous 2-3 years.
We will send you a Call to Conference and registration information shortly. However, you are free to book your flights. There will also be an informative website.

Share your Story to D16 & ZI
We are asking you all to send in for Share our Story Internationally.
However, we in D16 would also like to hear your fantastic stories; we know you do amazing things, but only if we happen to see them on Facebook or in your newsletters – which can be a long time later; we would prefer to hear them sooner.
Please submit your photos and captions (remember we might have no idea what is happening in your photos, so do explain).
Zonta International has requested that you not have too many photos that contain alcohol or food. While this appears to be a good time, it may be misinterpreted. We want fun photos, but don’t forget to send us ones from service projects and advocacy work as well. Not to mention your fundraising efforts.

Congratulations New Members!
Over the past year, the Zonta Club of Metropolitan Dunedin welcomed nine new members! We are overjoyed to hear this. We understand that inviting visitors can be difficult at times, but look what happens when you do! It can be overwhelming, as it is for all clubs, to breathe new life into your clubs. However, we want Zonta to continue in the future, so we need your help NOW to ensure this happens. We know from experience that “asking someone” is the first step, and it may be all that is required. Congratulations to the newest six members! Take advantage of your time together. Do you have a good news membership story too? Please share with us!

D16 & Zonta International WINNER – Jane M Klausman Award
It is only fitting that Lauren Thomas gets presented her Zonta International Certificate for being a successful winner of the Zonta International Jane M Klausman Award at Kate Sheppard House in Christchurch – the week of International Women’s Day.
Lauren was one of the successful 37 awardees out of 62 countries to achieve this. Alongside winning the prestigious Zonta International Award of $5000USD. She is also our recipient of the JMK District 16 Award which is generously sponsored from Craigs Investment Partners (our Sponsor for 5 years) for an additional $1000 NZD.
Congratulations to the Zonta Club of Christchurch-Canterbury who selected Lauren to go through for this award. Lauren has graduated and is one of only a few women in the Colliers International Commercial Valuations team in Christchurch. Congratulations on your success.
Governor Phillippa Jacobs-Lory was also very proud, for this occasion was her first time wearing the D16 Governors Kakahu. She wore it with pride.

Zonta D16 Service Chair, position opening
After 2 years and 8 months, I and the D16 Board would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Liz Holstead of the Zonta Club of Mangawhai. Thank you for all of your efforts. Service is an important aspect of being a member of Zonta. It is a true honour to perform acts of service for others. For some, the real hands-on effort is at the heart of why they belong to Zonta. If you are interested in helping us at the D16 level – we’d love to hear from you. Even if you are unsure and would like to ask questions. Remember when you joined Zonta, you were asked to serve enthusiastically… perhaps this is your chance to do something more. Please send an email to our D16 Secretary, Kay Collingwood, secretaryd16@zonta.org.nz if you are interested in applying (there is no form). It’s a fantastic position. We thought this was a great way for someone with a real passion for this, like Liz, to come forwards.
What is Zonta D16 Service Chair role?
The chair and members of the committee should be knowledgeable about Zonta International service programs and projects and the purpose and activities of Zonta International and the Zonta Foundation for Women.
The chair and members of the committee should be knowledgeable about how clubs can implement effective local service projects that further the Objects of Zonta International.
For further details, please email us. Position available now!

Zonta International for our 66th Convention – Brisbane, Australia.
June 27 to 30, 2024
We would like to invite all Zonta members to join the Convention team in Brisbane in June 2024.
This will be a must-attend event. We know that your Zontians in Australia are working hard to make this a memorable occasion for you all. Begin saving right away. We are extremely fortunate to have a Zonta Convention so close to home. I recall Zontians praising the Melbourne Convention, which drew a large contingent from New Zealand.