The Governors Message
Kia ora, and thank you for all your contributions throughout the year. It’s hard to believe that we are halfway through our Biennium. Being a member of Zonta is a great honour, as it allows us to make a positive impact on numerous individuals.
To me, the hashtag #AlwaysBetterTogether represents the collective effort to assist women and girls locally, nationally, and internationally. It also signifies our personal growth through mutual support. By supporting one another, we can achieve more for our community. I want to express gratitude to everyone who is striving (some of you effortlessly) to create a welcoming and supportive environment for club members and visitors alike.
The first half of the biennium has been truly remarkable. We extend our heartfelt thanks for all your generous donations to the Zonta International Foundation. Your contributions are truly transforming lives. The update on the GRG will be included in the next Zonta Heartbeat. We appreciate your unwavering efforts. Collaborative work, like the GRG district project, yields outstanding results. While it can be challenging to find a project that suits all clubs, we encourage you to support SALT programs and coffee groups in your communities. Grandparents caring for grandchildren are present all across New Zealand. Even if your town doesn’t have a SALT program, please consider assisting a group in any way you can, be it through clothing, treats, or baking. Imagine the gratitude you would feel to have Zonta in your life if you were a grandparent raising a grandchild. Thank you in advance for your support.
Lt Governor Jen McKinlay-Birkin and I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting many of you during the Area Meetings. The energy and enthusiasm in the room have been inspiring, and we are forever grateful for your dedication. Please refer to the update on the Area Meetings for more information.

Area Meetings
We’ve now completed our five areas.
We’ve really enjoyed your chosen guest speakers. I have to say I shed a few tears listening to some of your speakers. All the speakers were highly inspiring. All your Host Clubs and Area Directors did so well with your Area Meetings. The feedback we’ve had was “I wished I had gone”. Early next year when you hear of the Area Meetings – please try and set time aside. If you are a new member, these Area Meetings fill a lot of questions. For those that have been in Zonta for a while and even a very long time, we know these have been fabulous for you to have great connections with your friends and reignite the passion you have for Building a Better World for Women and Girls.

For those that did make the time, what great feedback we’ve had from you all. Ashburton Zonta Club, a special thank you to you for flying so many down to Invercargill. Wonderful.
Thank you to all our travelling road show too, Janet Hope for the Foundation Report and presentations. And also to the Nominating Committee for your presentations, Marg Currie, Barbara Pope and Irene King.

Where were our meetings?
Thank you to the Zonta Clubs of Thames Valley, Manawatu, Invercargill, Marlborough and East Auckland with your Area Directors, Janine, Leigh, Anna, Rizwaana and Cailleen. You can all be very proud of the days that you provided our D16 Members.

Membership Update
It’s been a pleasure to meet so many members from District 16 during the recent Area meetings. The enthusiasm for our local, district and international service projects was infectious and I enjoyed hearing about the different fundraising activities going on to support service activities.
Thank-you to everyone for contributing to the discussions about membership and advocacy. I loved hearing about why members joined Zonta and why you stay. Thank-you also to the members and clubs who organised the Area meetings and to the members who provided home-hosting. I made some new Zonta friends through home-hosting. Maybe you did too.
Recently though some of us have had members not renew their membership, as happens at membership renewal time. For me membership renewal is a time to reconnect with my why about joining Zonta. But for others perhaps Zonta doesn’t fit in their life anymore as a member. We hope they want to remain a Friend of Zonta. Sadly, some of our members may pass away and here in Area 2 we’ve recently lost several long-serving members. I know other areas have lost members too. Remember that we celebrate them and recognise their service to Zonta at Conference during the Memorial service.
A number of clubs have been inducting new members during the first of this biennium. If you’re one of those members, welcome to an organisation of people who support your goals and will work with you to build a better world for women and girls.
Hibiscus Coast Club has voted to close. A number of members are staying connected to Zonta as Friends and some have chosen to stay on as members of other clubs.
Governor Phillippa and I acknowledge the many years of service and advocacy the members of Hibiscus Coast have contributed to their community since the club was Chartered in 1989. To all members who have resigned, or not renewed their membership, we wish them well for the next stage of their lives.
Add Your Voice – WINNER!
Congratulations to those clubs whose membership is growing. And many clubs are doing great things to attract new members. In particular, Governor Phillippa and I congratulate Tauranga Club who are among the winners in this year’s Add Your Voice membership campaign run by Zonta International.
Tauranga are in the Tier III category (15 members or less) and they inducted 7 new members at the time the campaign was running.
I look forward to seeing you at Conference 2023 in Christchurch in September. Imagine if everyone attended, what that would be like. Amazing right?
Let’s make it happen together.
Jen McKinlay-Birkin
Lt Governor 2022 – 2024, District 16

D16 Pull-Up Banners
Please see the new Banners designed for your use for your Clubs. Your presidents were all advised in May that there is a protocol that the Zonta D16 Board has pre-approved branding for your new ZONTA Club Pull-Up Banners.
These are available as of now.
This past protocol states that your Zonta Club cannot design your own “Pull Up Banners”. We need to keep the standard of design and the clear messaging is consistent throughout D16. NOW, YES or NO Banners, or a combination. Once the money has been received, we will order your banners.
– We replace the D16 Logo with your Zonta CLUB logo.
– Pricing has been sent to your President Zonta emails.

St Hilda’s Collegiate Z Club
While I was heading to Oamaru for their wonderful 15th celebration I thought it would be a great idea to continue my journey to Dunedin. I had the pleasure of meeting Past Governor Lynette Grave, also coordinator of the amazing St Hilda’s Collegiate Z Club, led by
Co-President Hannah Lawrence.
Let me tell you they were incredibly organised with different committees working on various projects. I was genuinely impressed!
Later Lynette and I had a lovely coffee meeting with two new Otago Golden Z Club coordinators Candice and Eilish. We discussed our strategies and plans although we didn’t manage to take a photo together.

Congratulations to the Zonta Club of Oamaru
Congratulations Oamaru Zont for celebrating your 15 year Anniversary on May 31st. A marvelous achievement. A wonderful healthy club full of care for each other and their local, national and international communities. A true pleasure for Governor Phillippa Jacobs-Lory to induct the new Club Board and also give a talk on Zonta International projects and the lives we are changing for so many Women & Girls. #alwaysbettertogether
After dinner was followed by a heartfelt, very special guest speaker, Ele Ludemann, share her journey on how finding the strength to power on though loss and grief and how love and laughter always helps. Thank you to those from Timaru & Dunedin Zonta Clubs who came to help celebrate.
Congratulations Oamaru Zonta.
Just think of all those lives you’ve changed by being in Zonta. Truly remarkable!

Roncalli College Z Club
On my way back home I made another stop in Timaru to meet the fabulous Roncalli College Z Club. I was blown away by their politeness kindness and genuine care for others. Our future is truly in good hands with such an amazing Z Club! Overall it was an exciting and heartwarming experience to meet these wonderful individuals and witness their passion and dedication to Building a Better World for Women and Girls.

Zonta Club of Whangarei 50th Anniversary!
Congratulations to Zonta Whangarei on your 50th Anniversary! It was wonderful to celebrate with so many. Incredible Guest Speakers, David White MNZM, GRG; Tusha Penny NZ Police & Oranga Tamariki. This a reminder of why we are in Zonta, as we are needed more than ever. Our Governor Phillippa Jacobs-Lory congratulates Whangarei and supporters for all the difference they’ve made to thousands of lives of women and girls.
Long service Certificates (19-32 years) were presented to 5 members.
Thank you to all who travelled! It was a truly special night. Thank you President Jenny and Irene for your fabulous MC role.
Thank you to the Zonta Club of Whangarei for a wonderful evening.

New Zonta Logos
Zonta International has guidelines, and the NEW Zonta Logos are now available for each club and area to use – these are on the ZI website. You do need to be logged in to ZI to be able to download these. Zonta.org

Zonta App
I would really like you to download the Zonta App to your phone.
This is in your App Store on your phone. It has many updates, newsletters, reports, and messaging. All at your fingertips. Often you may wonder what’s happening or feel you get too many emails – this is where you will find so much of what you are asking us and yourselves.

YWPA Award Winner
Zonta International is pleased to announce the 2023 Young Women in Public Affairs Award recipients. Please find a link to the list of this year’s recipients. There were thirty-seven (37) young women representing 21 countries who each receive a US$5,000 Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award.
Zonta D16 (NZ) are very proud to announce that Wei Tian Teo from Auckland, is our Zonta International Winner and also for D16. Along with the ZI prize money Wei also receives $1000 from our District 16 Sponsor, Giltrap Group.
And last but not least we would like to thank to the Zonta Club of East Auckland for nominating Wei Tian Teo. To all the clubs that nominated other outstanding young women, we congratulate you and your nominees too.

ZOKS! Zonta Club of Ashburton
We are more than happy to do a little promotion for your club in each Zonta Heartbeat.
The famous ZOKS…
These Zoks are NZ made and are fantastic quality and incredibly soft and comfortable to wear and they don’t wear out!!!.
Very timely with our current chilly weather.
I am a huge fan of them, and it is mostly what I wear.
Enjoy yours and also help women and girls by supporting the Zonta Club of Ashburton and their charities.
You’ll also see below how you can sell them in your club and make some money too!
Colours and Sizes:
Navy Medium (5-9 shoe) Logo on the sole
Black Medium (5-9 shoe) Logo on the sole
Black Large (10-12 Shoe) Logo on the ankle (Also suitable for men)
$20 a pair + Postage
Postage: up to 7prs $6.40, 12 prs $8.20, 23 prs $9.40, 30 prs $13.40
We are very happy to send 6prs mixed for you to take to your club and pre-order.
Some clubs buy up to 24 prs and have them on hand to sell.

Your Club’s incentive:
If your club purchases 6 or more pairs we sell them to you at $15 and you sell them to your members and friends at $20.
Therefore your club makes $5 a pair.

17th Conference, Christchurch
Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th September
The fine details of your Conference will be sent on a separate PromoM@il – email.
We have registration and Call to Conference going out this week to you all. The hours of planning are all coming together. We are extremely excited for you all to attend.
The website has gone LIVE for the conference this week too.