Kia ora! And a Happy New Year to you all.
I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday season with family and friends. With the mixed weather we experienced over the holidays, like me, you will be getting used to this changeable climate. My husband Russ and I were lucky to visit the beautiful West Coast of the South Island, camping along the way in our little “Tear Drop Camper” – mostly enjoying a break, but also staying on top of my emails in preparation for the year ahead. A very restful summer holiday it was!
As Governor, I am looking forward to 2024 as we venture into the last quarter of this Biennium. It is a wonderful experience being on the D16 Board and working with our Area Directors to bring a better world for all of us in Zonta. Along with my talented board, we are all here to make your Zonta experience a great one – so please reach out if you need any information or help.
Thank you to those who took on new roles or continued in present ones at your December meetings. Zonta will repay you in kind, the more you put into these roles. And remember to take your Zonta friends with you on this journey, they will want you to excel in all you do, but take time to appreciate each moment, it will go so fast – If your year passes and you haven’t achieved all that you wanted, just remember ‘today’ is the day to do the things you wanted to do, but haven’t yet – it’s never too late.
We wish you all well in your new committees, roles and your membership.

Zonta International Convention, Brisbane, Australia, June 2024.
It’s all GO! Registration is OPEN NOW!
Why should you go? If you’ve not experienced an actual Zonta International, World Convention, this one is going to be the best-priced and closest to home that you will probably get the chance to attend. It will be wonderful to support our Australian Zonta friends also, by attending this incredible event. If you attended our Conference last year in Christchurch, then you will have had a small taste of the experience awaiting you in Brisbane, with members from all around the world, and over 2000 attendees expected.

You’ll have the opportunity to make wonderful lifetime connections and friendships and you will see, on an international scale, the achievements we make through your hard work and contributions to the Zonta International Foundation from you personally and through your clubs in D16. You get a really wonderful view of all we do.
You will learn all about our International Projects, Award Recipients and our continued Strategic Plan, as it is being rolled out. We will also be discussing the voting and business side of Zonta, this may not sound appealing, but it is very interesting to watch and participate in if you are a delegate for your Club. You get to choose workshops that are of interest to you too.
Experience the countries represented in their fine National Costumes, and the flag ceremony – the buzz in the air should be enough to tease you to want to be involved if you are still thinking about it. We are truly excited that so many of you are going.

REGISTRATION for ZI Convention:
This Zonta Heartbeat edition brings the exciting news that REGISTRATION for the Zonta International Convention is now OPEN.
Please note: Your Registration is in USD (not AUD) as it is a Zonta International Convention.
FLIGHTS to Brisbane:
You will have seen the deals for the Flights for Brisbane, we sent you back in December, and again on the 17th Jan. If you missed that – please get in touch, as we have a great deal from HOT saving seats for us and helping with travel arrangements at a group booking price. It is after the date for HOT, but you can still contact Kristen from HOT to help you with further bookings and insurance if required.

There is a wide range of accommodation available, as Brisbane is a great city for Conventions and meetings, and is well catered for in the area we are meeting. Please reach out if you need help on where to book.
Brisbane is a wonderful city and if you’ve not been before, now is the perfect time. It’s a pretty city that meanders along the Brisbane River, perfect for long walks. There is also great shopping and outlet shopping too! (yes I’ve been).

Leigh Murdoch, our wonderful Area 4 Director is D16 Liaison for the ZI Convention. Talk to her if you have questions related to your bookings.
And we would like you all to let her know you are coming and from which club you belong, so when we are organising “Kiwi” get togethers, drinks or dinners, she will know who is coming. Please contact her when you have REGISTERED.

Huge congratulations to Sarina Todd, the District 16 recipient of the Zonta International Women in STEM scholarship!
When you read her bio below you will be blown away by the force that she is for women (young and old) in STEM. Sarina is entering her honours year of a Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering (Hons) at the University of Auckland and is passionate about encouraging and supporting young women and gender-diverse individuals to pursue a career in STEM.
As the co-founder/director of Women in STEM NZ, Sarina aims to inspire girls by showcasing incredible women role models. Leading outreach visits and STEM workshops, she seeks to foster a passion for these disciplines in the youth of her community and country.
For the past three years, Sarina has been involved in organising Enginuity Day, an event showcasing the wonders of engineering. Her commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and inclusivity extends to her role as Chair of the STEM Workshop Committee for the IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit 2023.
Within the University of Auckland, Sarina is the Vice-President of the Mechanical and Mechatronics Student Association (MECHA), Chair of Finance and Operations for the Women in Engineering Network (WEN), and Women’s Representative for the Faculty of Engineering. She is the recipient of the 2023 Major Blues Award for Outstanding Contribution to Service and Leadership, the AIMES Emerging Talent Award for Innovation, and is a graduate of the Dean’s Leadership Programme.
Sarina was selected as one of 150 young leaders from around the world to attend UNITE 2030, a leadership programme in New York, under full sponsorship from her faculty and department. Aspiring to become a leader in the industry, Sarina is resolute in her commitment to championing equity in STEM. The Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarships encourage women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in information technology. The Women in STEM recipients receive an international scholarship of US$5,000 from Zonta International.
Congratulations Sarina from all of us in D16.
This is one area where we really need to keep focused in 2024.
So thank you to those who are bringing guests along, for as long as I can remember from when I was an Area 3 director, Lt Governor and now Governor it is a constant reminder that this subject needs all our full attention. For us all to continue the amazing work we are doing for others into the future, we clearly need membership to do this… membership is the lifeline to Zonta into the future. We can be very proud to hold our numbers in D16 this Biennium, however like me, I am sure you want to keep growing our fabulous organisation. To achieve this, we need a couple of tools in our toolkits.

1. ENJOY yourself
I am a firm believer in, “if you are having a fun, meaningful time, others will want to come, and the other big thing to remember is to… “keep” INVITING Friends. You’ll know the ones deep down, that have the same values as you, who want this world to be a Better World for Women and Girls… You’ll be surprised how many are waiting for you to ask them. Perhaps you did years ago, yet it’s all about timing. Sometimes, Zonta is one of those groups people feel they have to be invited to. And are nervous to ask to come along. Remember how nervous you were when you first visited? Having a buddy support so it’s not just you looking after them. As you may have roles to fill that evening that they could be sitting alone. Always great to pair them up.
2. Bring a visitor
If we can all bring 2-3+ visitors a year, that’s 1000 – 1500 visitors in D16. If only 10% stay then we have succeeded in growing our membership again. So don’t get afraid of numbers, it’s quite doable. Members do leave for various reasons, so therefore it is always important to bring visitors constantly. What about a new Club? Do you have friends in an area where there is no Zonta Club?
New Clubs
We are still keen to get an e-Club off the ground. Or perhaps a new club in an area where there is no Zonta. West Coast of the South Island, Queenstown, Nelson, Martinborough, New Plymouth. New Clubs from all around the world. Just think, that is how Whakatane and Invercargill Clubs started, by someone like you, so please do talk to Lt Governor Jen McKinlay-Birkin or myself or your very own Area Director, as we’d love to talk about this further.

Mini Challenge for 2024
Please be kind to your own members, because we don’t always know what they are going through, do something each month for someone in your club. You can do this and talk about it, or you can be anonymous. Either way, what a wonderful challenge for 2024 to strengthen your clubs and feel wonderful.

You may recall that when I became Governor I mentioned the “Mexican Wave” of Zonta, this is where President Ute, wishes us to concentrate on two times during the year, one in Nov/Dec for ZSN (Zonta Says No!) Campaign for 16 days of Activism to gender-based violence.
The other is for International Women’s Day, or Rose Day as we often call it in Zonta. This is a chance to Thank MANY in your community, someone who is definitely making it a Better World for Women and Girls.
Think about the Guest Speakers you’ve had throughout the last year, perhaps they are worthy, some standout members in your Club even who go above and beyond in their roles. Perhaps it is a friend. I know many clubs recognise these remarkable women and men in society who really are making a difference, by presenting them with a Rose. Does your club do this? If so take photos, and send them to us for our D16 Facebook page (with a caption please).
And THANK YOU to you all who hold events for IWD, to make this auspicious occasion. If you can’t do something on March 8th IWD, then do something throughout the month of March. Just remember it is the people, the people, the people, te iwi that make this such a special time to celebrate all we do for each other.

Striving for Equity in International Business
On January 8, my company, Pinnacle&Co. hosted 30 students and 4 faculty from the University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management, where they are studying “Striving for Equity in International Business”.
They were in NZ visiting businesses and universities in Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. I spoke to them about my experiences during my 26 years in business, hopefully helping them on their journey to be the best in their future world to treat their colleagues equally and respectfully, and what Zonta International and Zonta District 16’s gender equity/equality, projects and scholarships do for so many in our world. It was a true honour to speak and to be chosen for them to visit. And so wonderful that there are Universities teaching such things as Gender Equity in Businesses. Well done USA!
We also had the lovely Suzanne McNabb from UN Women Aotearoa New Zealand, speak on the 7 WEP’s Principles in the workplace, for which I am on the committee while I am Governor. Let us know if you would like to know more about this too.
After our meet-up, they were heading off to Terrace Edge Wines Vineyard which produces a range of wines called ‘27 Seconds’ of which they donate 100% of the profits to ‘Hagar’. to hear their story. Hagar is an NGO focused on the huge challenges facing women and children in Cambodia and Vietnam who have survived slavery, trafficking and/or other forms of severe abuse, and to date have raised over $200,000. You may remember they spoke at Zonta Area 3’s 100th-year celebration in 2019 at the Transition Cathedral.

Area meetings 2024
Please put these dates in your calendar.
Area 1. Mangawhai – February 24
Area 2. Mana – March 9
Area 4. Tauranga – March 16
Area 5. Timaru – March 23
Area 3. Christchurch North – May 4
Area Meetings are a fabulous way to reconnect with your friends, make new ones, reinvigorate your club vibe, energise your membership and learn so much about Zonta and all we do for the Women and Girls in our world. You know when it was your turn organising, you wanted members to come, so please now support those putting the time into organising these for you. Make it a fun weekend if you need to travel for it. I know the team from Ashburton had a great time going to Invercargill and the Christchurch Clubs made a road trip of it going to Blenheim. As did those travelling from Hawkes Bay to Manawatu last year, take the opportunity to have a fun time. We look forward to seeing you all this year as we travel around to present to you all.
Once again, you are making a world of difference by donating. Perhaps you’ve had a member in your club pass away this year, give a donation in Memory of them. Or someone has done something incredible in your community, (doesn’t even have to be someone from Zonta) you can give a donation in their honour, and they get given an email to say you have done this. It is a wonderful way to honour someone in your community.

I would like to wish you all a very healthy, happy and peaceful 2024. Please know that every little or big thing you do in Zonta is truly making a difference and I thank you very much from the bottom of my heart. Have a wonderful year and see you at the Zonta Area Meetings soon!
Nga mihi,
Phillippa Jacobs-Lory
Governor 2022 – 2024,
District 16
Zonta International,
New Zealand