The Governors Message
How good does a Christmas break feel just around the corner? What a year it’s been! Looking back, it has undoubtedly been an exceptional time for D16 Zonta and our charities.
This time last year we were bouncing in and out of lockdowns. Therefore I know how much we’ve all appreciated seeing each other again in person. I was wondering a year ago if I was going to get to my Zonta Governor training in Chicago in April and if were we going to meet in Hamburg or if the Convention going to go online. Fortunately, the stars aligned and we were able to do so much more together, including events that had been postponed, cancelled and changed numerous times.
Thank you for your dedication over the years, as it has allowed you to truly make a difference in the lives of many women and girls. I have been thrilled with the Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women campaigns and your true dedication to contributing to a strong voice as we ORANGE the WORLD. It simply astounded me, and I am sure Zonta International, what you all accomplished in the 16 days of Activism. Thank you so much.
I’ll highlight a few of these fantastic efforts below. As we continue working together our D16 theme for #alwaysbettertogether is definitely showing. Thank you!

ZONTA Says NO to Violence Against Women
WOW is all I have to say. Thank you to everyone. How fabulous seeing so much ORANGE filling our newsfeeds on Social Media. You did yourself justice. It was timely with the passing of the incredible Lesley Elliot, mother to Sophie Elliot, who was murdered eight times over by her ex-boyfriend in Dunedin in 2008 at the age of 22.
Lesley was the founder and ambassador in her daughter’s memory, educating teens and young adults about the dangers of being in an unsafe relationship, how to handle themselves in a relationship, and recognising red flags. Thanks to D16’s incredible Loves Me Not book, which was distributed to schools as part of the District Project.
Over these 16 Days of Activism, we all appreciated the lighting of candles, and minutes of silence you all held around the country, in honour of Lesley and Sophie when you held your Zonta Says NO events. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
I am not highlighting any club efforts over others; I was personally proud of all the efforts individually and as clubs; however, I thought the Mangawhai “Stop Abuse Behind Closed Doors” was truly outstanding as a message. And always the lighting “orange” of buildings around the country, Christchurch was fabulous with approximately 12 buildings lit up. The illumination of the Oamaru Opera House and the Otago Boys High School sends a strong message to all. Thank you all for sharing this event on your social media.

Keeping your Clubs HEALTHY!
The clubs I’ve visited have encouraged me to see many clubs increasing their membership and the health of their clubs. We understand how difficult it can be. So concentrate on doing wonderful advocacy, fundraising and service and as you do these selfless acts, your friends will want to join you.
Please do one thing for us all… ASK friends and family to VISIT your clubs. I’ve noticed that it’s extremely rare for someone to say no, on the contrary, they are often touched that you would invite them. Remember, if we don’t invite visitors TODAY, there will be no Zonta in the future. We are making such a difference in the lives of so many – we need YOU and your VISITORS more than ever! #alwaysbettertogether

New Clubs on the Horizon
We would really love to Launch the D16 e-Club of New Zealand Aotearoa in early 2023.
Please let ltgovernord16@zonta.org.nz if you know of someone in a town that doesn’t have a Zonta Club, as we’d love them to join our very first ONLINE Club. And do you have friends, family and colleagues in NELSON? As we are looking into starting a Zonta Club of Nelson.
If you have someone in mind for Zonta E Club or Zonta Nelson, please email introduce them to our wonderful D16 Lt. Governor Jen McKinlay-Birkin ltgovernord16@zonta.org.nz

Amelia Earhart – 85th Anniversary is Jan 2023
It is time to celebrate and contribute to this fund if you can.
On the DONATE on the website.
Zonta International has suggested that we all give $85 USD, however, like some of you I do feel this may be too much for some of our Zonta members in D16. So I have suggested that we try and all give $8.50USD This all adds up and it is still honouring an amazing woman that helps empower and give pathways to many Women and Girls around our world.
If you can give $8.50, or $85 or even $850 (Don’t let me hold you back…). Maybe your Club might donate $85 USD. Because most clubs do not meet in January in NZ you may wish to celebrate this occasion at your first meeting of 2023.

Area Meetings 2023
We have the Area Meetings coming up in February/March/April around NZ in the 5 Areas.
We note that some may need to travel more this time, can we ask you to be considerate as other Zontians have travelled to your Area Meetings that you have hosted, it is now your turn to go to their wonderful meetings and support them. Perhaps turn it into a fun trip and stay the night, shop and enjoy your time away. Remember having a successful Zonta Club is also about enjoying each other’s company!
Please think of these meetings as compulsory unless you are sick or away. These are a requirement for us to run from Zonta International, but I personally have always gone to them over my 15+ years in Zonta and every year there is a new message, something to learn, but also it is a fabulous experience and time for you to spend with your Zonta friends.
AREA 1 – Zonta Club of Auckland East – Feb 25th
AREA 4 – Zonta Club of Thames Valley – March 18th
AREA 2 – Zonta Club of Manawatu – March 25th
AREA 5 – Zonta Club of Invercargill – April 15th
AREA 3 – Zonta Club of Marlborough – April 29th

Zonta Says YES to Gender Equality!
Before we know it – it will be International Women’s Day (IWD) and Rose Day. Rose Day is our Zonta day, which is not well known to others around the world, therefore I ask you all to make a concentrated effort as you did with ZSN and instead of doing the “Orange the World”… that you make a concerted effort to “Yellow the World” with Yellow Roses.
I was talking with our Governors from all around the world about how they promote this day in their Districts, which some of these you will be doing also.
You can Honour Women Locally, Nationally and Internationally – how? This is easy to do locally. Invite them to a club meeting, or have a special high tea etc. It may be a friend an unsung Hero, someone that does so much for the community, it could even be someone in your Zonta Club.
If national or international – perhaps you send them a Virtual Rose on Social Media, an amazing time to do a DONATE to the Zonta International Foundation and do it in honour of their name so they get an email – saying thank you for being so fabulous (you can write your own note and it gets sent from ZI).
Maybe you have had a friend lose a loved one in the past year, you can also DONATE in memory of them on the ZI website too. And please keep it visual. It is wonderful to show the world how much we are making a difference to help Women and Girls.
How about honouring a group that always supports you? I know Rotary in Christchurch is always supporting Zonta Activities. As the men in our world support what we do too, this is all about raising the voice of having Gender Equality!
Have fun, keep it visual, and if one of your sister Zonta Clubs is holding an event for Rose Day/IWD – please support them.

Zonta Club of Metropolitan Dunedin – HAPPY 25th Anniversary
Congratulations to the Metropolitan Dunedin Zonta Club. We are always delighted when a Club celebrates an anniversary. Consider how many lives Metropolitan Dunedin Zontians have changed, including all the girls at St Hilda’s Collegiate School, where you have had a Z Club for ten years this May.
Congratulations, your event at the Dunedin Club appeared to be the ideal location for a wonderful celebration dinner. Lt Governor Jen McKinlay-Birkin, who represented D16, thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. We wish you all the best in the coming 25 years.

More Details and Registrations Coming soon!
17th Zonta D16 Conference 2023 Remember to SAVE the DATE
22nd – 24th September 2023
When do you fly/drive in?
We are organising optional activities for you if you wish, on Friday afternoon.
Surprise fun on Friday evening
more exciting updates on this to come, but book it in your calendars.
The conference is Saturday
all day with a fabulous guest speaker(s) and a program to engage all ages in Zonta.
Saturday evening
A night to celebrate with your Zonta friends and partners.
Sunday morning
We continue the programme. Please don’t fly home until later in the afternoon to avoid missing anything.
Registrations open next year.
Stay tuned for more information.