Governor’s message
Kia ora koutou katoa. Hello everyone.
What an exciting month! I always enjoy the lead into our annual Zonta Says No campaign. No matter the size, age or location of our clubs, we all get behind this. It’s great to scroll through Facebook pages of our clubs and see posts about events or sharing something from Zonta International. There’s so much variety but it’s all about the same message – ending gender-based violence and making Aotearoa New Zealand a safer place to be for everyone.
Earlier in the month many clubs marked 11 October – International Day of the Girl Child and thank-you to the Zonta Club of Oamaru who sent me pictures of their installation at the Oamaru Library.

What I’ve been doing
We moved house at the beginning of the month and the only boxes I want to open again are ones with food in them. And I say this with more boxes still to unpack!
And then I remind myself I’m in a privileged position. To have a roof over my head and the choice of whether I keep everything that’s in the boxes (really did I need to pack everything?!) or is there an opportunity to give away those things that I’ve forgotten I had. (And even the things I wish I’d forgotten I had.)
The great thing is that I know my club will have contacts in the community where these ‘extra’ things can be put to good use rather than in landfill. And that’s what I see happening in newsletters and presidents’ reports. It’s great to have good role models to follow. Nga mihi nui Zontians. Have a great month, Jen xx
District Board and Committee Chairs Update
I hope everyone will have heard from Club presidents that the Board decided to hold our 2025 Area Meetings virtually. There are a number of reasons for this, but mostly it’s to relieve host clubs of the financial burden and time pressure involved in organising these meetings. This had become a significant pressure for some host clubs over my time on the District Board.
To ensure that District board and committee chairs are visiting clubs in other ways, we’re all going to attend as many club and Area events as possible throughout the biennium. For some board members, or committee chairs, this may mean attending an event on my behalf.
An example of this is our colleague on the District board – Treasurer Judith Russell –attending the Zonta Clubs of South Auckland and East Auckland Awards night. Area Director Irene McPherson attended these events as well. I hear that both nights were lots of fun. My thanks to both clubs for welcoming Judith to their events.

As we lead into our annual campaign to address gender-based violence towards women I want to highlight what Zonta NZ advocacy chair Tiffany McRae has called a ‘small win’.
On Zonta’s behalf Tiffany recently made a thoughtful and well-reasoned submission to address the gap in New Zealand’s legislation in the area of stalking. No response was sent directly to this submission, but anti-stalking legislation has been placed on the government’s action plan for the 4th quarter. Whatever the size, it’s a win and a step towards a safer Aotearoa New Zealand!
Every Member Every November
As we head into November, consider whether you might donate to the Foundation: for yourself, for someone else, or forever. Some Zontians join the 1919 Legacy Circle by including the Zonta Foundation for Women in their Wills. Planned Giving
Celebrate the Zonta Foundation for Women’s 40th Anniversary by joining Every Member Every November campaign. Check on ZI website for updates!

District project Foster Hope
Fundraising for Foster Hope has already begun throughout the country. Our Ashburton Club was very fortunate to meet our local coordinator Ngarie Worsley. Ngarie looks after the West Coast and Canterbury regions here in the South Island. To say Ngarie is passionate about Foster Hope would be the understatement of the century and once she starts sharing about the work Foster Hope does and the reasons why they do it, it is not hard to see why she is so passionate. Ngarie’s favourite saying is “Shop your Home”. She is a big believer in going through all the things you already have and passing on any new, good as new or re-gifting items instead of going out and buying new. This is a great benefit for the planet as well!
Share your story of the work you are doing locally with Foster Hope. I look forward to hearing about other events that are happening.
Foster Hope’s work is not just limited to the essential bags that they donate full of necessary items.
In the 2023/24 year Foster Hope helped fund 79 foster children attend camps, donated5,888 pairs of pyjamas and provided 7,809 Christmas presents!!
In addition to this they also donated 79 flatpacks. These flat packs are designed for young people who have aged out of foster care and moving into their first flat. For many young people this is a stage where their family would help them with household items, however children in care not often get this luxury. These packs contain new household items to get them started and show them that the community is still supporting them on their journey.
As Christmas approaches, please reach out to your nearest coordinator if you or your club is in a position to help them out in anyway. Your local coordinators are the best point of contact as every region requires different support.
Countdown to the 2024 Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women Campaign

16 Days of Activism: 25 November-10 December
Phillippa Elliot, our Zonta Says No committee chair has been working hard since 2022-2024 biennium on the development of a fantastic set of media material for Zonta Says No.
This collateral can be ordered through Phillippa and is available at a very reasonable price because we would be having a bulk order printed.
Examples of the material and information about the printing have been sent to Area Directors who are able to share these with clubs. I encourage you to consider how you can take advantage of this material either for this year’s campaign or for Zonta Says No campaigns in the future.

Zonta NZ Awards
JMK Women in Business scholarship.
From 2025 the programme is to be called the Women in Business scholarship.
The District JMK / Zonta Women in Business award for 2024 has been decided. The winner is Olivia Murphy who has nominated by the Christchurch – Canterbury club.
District Zonta Women in Business Committee Chair – Sue Hope and I will coordinate an appropriate occasion for Olivia’s award to be presented to her, in conjunction with the club who sent her nomination to District – the Christchurch-Canterbury club.

Have a Zonta Spirit moment
Send us your Zonta Spirit stories and images.

The Zonta Club of Whakatane have donated $1500 to pay for 20 driving lessons for young parents attending the Whakatane School for young parents which will be a massive benefit for these parents to access groceries, healthcare, attend school and access childcare and increase their chances of gaining employment.
Club Celebrations
2 November Hamilton – Waikato 54th Birthday
12 November Auckland 58th Birthday
24 November Christchurch – Canterbury 54th Birthday

Zonta International will be 105 this year. On our 105th birthday consider donating to the Zonta Foundation for Women. Donations can be made for as little as $10 USD. Make A Gift – Zonta Foundation for Women
In our strategic plan for this biennium, we have a goal to have 105 individual donors make donations to the Foundation in this biennium. It might sound like a lot, but we’ve had 100 individual donors before, so this is only a few more.
Want to suggest a more sustainable family Christmas? Suggest you all give to your favourite cause instead of gifts and make your donations to the Foundation.
Not sure what to give the friend who has everything? Donate in their name to the Foundation.
Not sure what you want for Christmas from your Zonta friend(s)? Ask for a donation in your name to the Foundation.
Conference 2025

10 -11 October 2025
We’re in the final stages of deciding on a venue in Wellington’s CBD. We hoping to secure an iconic location for the gala dinner.
Keep an eye out for cheap flights! Book them now.
Accommodation options and packages are also being put together.
Thanks to our supporters and sponsors.

Key dates D16 and International
1 – 30 November 2024 Every Member Every November
8 November 2024 Zonta International’s 105th Anniversary
9 November 2024 D16 Board meeting (virtual)
25 Nov – 10 Dec – Zonta Says No to Violence Against Women
10 December International Human Rights Day
11 January Amelia Earhart Day
14 January Zonta Foundation for Women 40th Anniversary
15 February 2025 Zonta NZ/D16 Board meeting (in-person)
8 March International Womens Day
22 April Earth Day
17 May 2025 Zonta NZ/D16 Board meeting (virtual)
19 July 2024 Zonta NZ/D16 Board meeting (virtual)
9 October 2025 Zonta NZ/D16 Board meeting (in-person)
10 -12 October 2025 – District 16 (NZ) Conference Wellington
11-14 July 2026 — Zonta International Convention, Vancouver, Canada
8 November Zonta International’s Birthday – Celebrating 105 Years!
10 November Zonta Says NOW Intercontinental Think Tank
15 November Amelia Earhart Fellowship application deadline
21 November Zonta New Member Orientation
25 November International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Take action 25 November-10 December 16 Days of Activism
10 December Human Rights Day and Zonta Says NO Summit
19 December Zonta New Member Orientation