Governor for 2024 – 2026 Biennium
Welcome to the Zonta Aotearoa New Zealand (District 16) website. We’re pleased to welcome you to our virtual home.
I found my way to Zonta in 2002. Members of Zonta join for different reasons. I joined to be part of something that would help me give back to the community I lived in. What I didn’t know then was that the communities I would contribute to would be across the country and around the world.
Through Zonta, I have built friendships, learned new skills and been able to make a difference when it sometimes seemed like nothing could be changed. All this has been done in a community of like-minded people focused on the same goal – to build a better world for women and girls.
I hope that whatever questions have brought you here have been answered. If not, use the Find a Club button at the top of the home page and make contact with your nearest club. We look forward to hearing from you.
Ngā mihi nui, Jen
Jen McKinlay-Birkin
Governor 2024 – 2026, District 16 / Aotearoa New Zealand
Zonta International