In September 2007 an article was placed in the local paper to find out if it would be viable to start a Zonta Club in Mangawhai. In November Zonta became a reality.
The SOM Chair was Irene McPherson, Zonta Club of Whangarei, with Liz Holstead, who had recently changed her membership from the Zonta Club of Auckland North Shore to Whangarei, carrying out much of the organisation.
On March 2008 the first dinner meeting was held at Sail Rock Restaurant. The guest speaker was Karen Edwards, Northland Police Violence Intervention co-ordinator, who talked about domestic violence.
First Fundraising: In August 2008, the first of the baby packs put together by members were presented to Maungaturoto Homebuilders to be given to mothers in need.
March 2009 International Women’s Day. Yellow roses were presented to Val Cleaver and Dorothy Freeman in recognition of their fundraising for breast cancer.
May 2009 our first Great Gatsby fundraising day was held. The proceeds went to help send three pupils to the American Future Problem Solving Programme in Michigan. August 2009 A dinner for 8 raffle was held to raise funds for ‘All about me’ an educational programme to educate young women in Rodney and Otamatea colleges about menstrual health and endometriosis.
On Monday 17th May 2010, the Zonta Club of Mangawhai was formally chartered and a dinner was held at the Golf Club. Special guests were Anne Walker and Valeria Maw.
July 2010 Heritage orchard planted at the Plunket Rooms in memory of Zontian Liza Maberly who passed away earlier in the year.
August 2010 more baby packs were delivered to Homebuilders for distribution.
November 2010 White Ribbon Day, over 200 motorbikes and 20 classic cars drove from Ruakaka to the Mangawhai Domain where many men spoke out against violence to women. A large crowd attended and $1000 and six boxes of donated tinned food were raised for the Wellsford Refuge.
March 2011 International Women’s Day recipient Sharon Radford was presented with a yellow rose bush in recognition of her work for St John’s.
April 2011 Great Gatsby Garden Party raised over $1000 for Zonta-sponsored projects. June 2011 Celebrated out first birthday.
August 2011 A trivial pursuit evening was held and raised $2000 for the Spirit of Adventure Scholarship.
November 2011 Zonta Club of Mangawhai won the Cherry Raymond Award for the best service project of the biennium in recognition of the White Ribbon Ride held last year.
White Ribbon day a Heads to Village family cycle ride was held. Riders, walkers and buggy riders enjoyed a sausage sizzle after the ride.
March 2012 International Women’s Day presentation to Lorraine Benfield for service to nursing, St John’s, CMA and Senior Citizens.
March 2012 Baby packs were presented to the Warkworth Birthing Centre for distribution in the area.
Current President: Jan Barnett.
Current membership total: 15
Club Historian:/Archivist: Jan Barnett
- Baby packs to needy families.
- Spirit of Adventure Award for year 13 student.
- Copies of ‘Loves Me Not’ book donated to libraries.
- Equipment for Plunket.
- Shade Sail for playground.
Liz Holsted, Area 1 Director 2013-2015
Sue Poynter, Chair Young Women in Public Affairs Committee, 2013 -2015
Compiled by Historian: Jan Barnett and Judy Langmuir