The Zonta Club of Auckland North Shore was chartered on 13th August 1979. The club was sponsored by the Auckland Zonta Club with Joan Mary Longcroft in the chair. The charter dinner was held at Cheltenham Receptions, Devonport on 29th November 1979 where Cornelia Hodges; the International Vice President presented the charter, to the Charter President Helen Ryburn.
1980-81 – President, Lorraine Cholmondley-Smith
The club initiated an award for the encouragement of women in the arts. The first recipients were Polly (a trumpeter) who received $250 and Sally Vinsen, Devonport Potter $1000.
During these first 3 years the club raised $3500. Members also assisted in the Telethon Appeal for the IYDP.
1982-83 – President, Joy Were
Members met at the BNZ to count the money raised in the street collection for the Arthritis Foundation.
1984-85 – President, Margaret Griffiths
Grants of $75 each were established for the eight secondary schools on the North Shore, to assist a girl pupil in furthering their education.
1986 – President, Alison Gernhoefer
The Club created the use of a Zonta satchel that was promoted to other clubs to purchase to give to new members.
1987-88 President, Barbara Eastmure
1989-90 President, Maxelyn Tudman
The Zonta Woman of the year was launched on the 10th Birthday of the club, by Lady Thea Muldoon. An awards dinner was held at Sorrento and prizes included a return trip to Christchurch, a hosted dinner by the Christchurch Zonta Club, a gold chain, and beauty treatments. The recipient was Mrs Betty Gilderdale the founder of the Children’s Literature Society. All other participants received flowers and accolades.
Books into schools were also launched with “Alex” by Tessa Duder being delivered to each secondary school on the North Shore.
The Hibiscus Coast club was SOM’d with their charter presentation on Saturday 7th April 1990 Maxelyn Tudman and Isobel McBeth, joined with their charter president Lorna Speary to establish a very successful club of 26 charter members.
In August 1990 a fashion parade was held and $650 was forwarded to the Women’s’ Refuge. A set of Zonta flags was purchased to celebrate the clubs 10th birthday.
$250 was also donated to Dr.Lankshear’s Women in Nicaragua Broom Factory, after a presentation at a club meeting.
1991-92 – President, Barbara Brann. (Transferred from Alice Springs, Australia)
The 1991 Zonta Woman of the Year had her award presented to her at a luncheon at Shoreline. She was Pamela Elliott a Devonport Craft Advisor.
It was also in this year that the Zonta Club had a pohutukawa tree planting of around 6 trees, on the Takapuna beach front. Signage for the planting was contributed by the North Shore City Council. The YWPA awardee was Kimberley Rhodes
Quiz and fun auction events were held and the proceeds from these went to Parentport and Budgetary Advisory Unit.
1993-94 – President, Barbara Durbin.
The 1994 YWPA Awardee was Catherine Sommerville from Kristen school.
$250 was forwarded to the Zonta International Foundation to support the work of trafficking of women from Bosnia-Hertzvegonia. Musical Soirees were held with funds raised going to ZI Foundation.
1995-96 – President, Judy Ware
$2000 was provided to the Blind Society in order to train a guide dog. Sadly this dog went to Australia when fully trained.
The club also commenced to support the Onepoto Primary School, with their HIPPY reading programme, and provided the funds to plant fruit trees in the school to provide shade and fruit. The YWPA Awardees was Sacha Judd for the biennium Vasi Sivapalan.
For some reason the Rangitoto College Hockey Team was travelling overseas and a donation of $100 was provided to assist them.
1997-99 – President, Sylvia Devlin
Support was provided for New Horizons for Women Trust, and $2000 was committed to for the Angel Fund/Women’s Bank. A Sunday brunch featuring ex Zonta member & current MP Trish Schnauer raised $870. At the Hawaii Convention, Past President Maxelyn Tudman was asked to be Area Director by the then Governor, Jan Bowman. A new club banner was designed highlighting the connection with Rangitoto and powhutakawa. The YWPA awardee was Andrea Wohlmuther, and in 1999 Katy Donnelly who also became a district recipient. It was this time that the club changed from the Zonta year to the Calendar year for election of officers.
2000-01 – President, Bev Watson
Sylvia Devlin was elected as Area Director by the Area 1 Clubs at the Christchurch Conference. Karen Renner became the District Webmaster and created the district’s first website. Fund raising efforts went to “Treasure our Young” organisation and the Women’s Bank loan. The YPWA went to Lucy Gamble in 2001. Briar Charmley in 2002 went on to become the District recipient.
2003-05 – President, Isobel McBeth (3 years)
The first of two Financial Seminars for women was held in liaison with other women’s groups on the North Shore. The Retirement Commissioner Diana Crossan was the guest speaker. This was also the first publication of the club’s Warning Bells not Wedding Bells booklet. This was distributed to all secondary schools, doctors’ rooms and other facilities where women and young girls gather. Funding was provided by Pubs Charity, and it was so successful, a reprint had to be ordered. Kate Eaglan from Takapuna Grammar was the YWPA awardee and also a district recipient.
Rachel Germann, the D16 recipient of the JMK award, went on to be an international recipient. A presentation was made to her at Government House by the Governor General Dame Silvia Cartwright.
In 2005 Governor Maxelyn Tudman, a member of the club, held her conference at the Spencer on Byron Hotel in Takapuna, with the club hosting the event by assisting in the smooth running of this successful conference.
The club also celebrated their 25th Birthday in 2004, and the guest speaker was Carol Mosley
Brown the American Ambassador, also an ex US Zonta member.
2006-07 -President, Raewyn Nevin
The support of White Ribbon day started in 2000, with distribution through The Warehouse to their employees, and a stall at the mall raised over $1000 which was given to UNIFEM who provided the ribbons. The YWPA recipient Katherine Mitchell from Carmel College was selected as the district winner and spoke at the Dunedin Conference in 2007.
2008-09 -President, Karen Renner
The Carmel Z Club was initiated with an enthusiastic group of young women. Members from the club maintained liaison. The Choices for Women booklet had a further update and reprint
and distribution to schools and other organisations. Enthusiasm was gathering for a Teen Parent Unit on the North Shore and funds were raised through Movie events and put aside for when one was going to open.
2010-11 – President, Lynne Lagan
Funds were raised and provided to the Women’s Refuge to complete their children’s playground. A public event was held to host the Amelia Earhart scholar Karen Wilcox. This was most successful with a diverse audience attending. Members continued to support White Ribbon Day. Bafreen Sherif was the 2010 YWPA Awardee. The first International Women’s Breakfast sponsored by like-minded North Shore women’s’ organisations was held on the North Shore.
2012-13 – President, Karen Mitchell
Besides the continuation of the Explore Auckland Walks which raise funds for Awards programmes, Leadership awards were instigated to Carmel College, Westlake Girls and Takapuna Grammar schools. The Wedding Bells not Warning Bells booklet was produced with funding from St. George’s Presbyterian Church, and was successfully distributed to appropriate organisations. White Ribbon day was linked with the Zonta Says “NO” Campaign and stands held at the Albany Warehouse and Takapuna Mall.
Ruby Nguyen was selected as the JMK awardee with Gemma Edwards from Carmel College the YWPA.
Compiled by Historian: Maxelyn Tudman