The Zonta Club of Ashburton was Chartered on 24 January 1994.
• SOM club: Zonta Club of Christchurch South. Chaired by Glen Price
• Organisation Meeting held 17 November 1993. First Board meeting 14 December 1993.
• Charter was presented by Joan-Mary Longcroft (D16 Governor) at a dinner held 16 June 1994 at the Hotel Ashburton. The club had 24 Charter Members. Charter President – Jo Veale; Vice President – Pam McCormick; Secretary – Kath Croy
Meetings: Held 3rd Tuesday of the month, except January when fellowship event with Honzons (our husbands/partners) is held. Most meetings include a guest speaker. Meeting venue – Hotel Ashburton. November meeting usually ‘out and about’ fellowship, dining and shopping. May meeting is Changeover night and includes Honzons.
Club Board and Committees: For most of its history the Board of the club has comprised: President, President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary and three Directors. The President Elect and three Directors each chair a committee. Currently these are Status of Women, Programme, Fundraising, Membership & Fellowship.
Membership: 1995 (33); 1998 (48); 2003 (44); 2006 (42); 2009 (40); 2013 (42). Currently 40 with 5 prospective new members.
Advocacy Projects: “Yeah Right” – violence is not OK; White Ribbon Day; Zonta Says NO; Life Education Trust – Dye for Life; Cancer Society – Relay for Life; World Vision; Women’s Refuge; National Council of Women; IWD Breakfast.
Service Projects: Incidental Grants; Career Development; Community Services Award: Youth Art Award; Toot for Tucker; Meals on Wheels.
Local Projects: $4,000 donated to NZ Endometriosis to enable ‘ME’ programme to be delivered to local colleges. $2,500 donated towards new Event Centre – naming rights to 2 chairs and ‘middle C’ on piano.
Fundraising Activities: First fundraiser was a garage sale; pea straw; scarecrows; cheese and port; homes on Sunday; Winter Christmas homes decorations; asparagus sales; lily bulb sales; movie nights; Zonta cards; truffles; A & P car parking. Over $100,000 raised during 20 years.
Area Activities: Club represented at all Area Forums. Club hosted 3 Area Forums. Club members have served a term as Area 3 Director and since Area 5 formed – 2 members served as Area Directors.
District Activities: Club has been mostly represented at D16 conferences. Pam McCormick, Area Director 1998 to 2000 and elected LG D16, however unable to take up role; Shirley Goodwin, Area Director 2004 to 2006; Terrie Hunt, Area Director 2008 to 2010 D16 International Chair for DG 2010 to 2012 and D16 Nominating Committee 2011 to 2013.
District Projects: The club has supported all District 16 projects.
International Activities: The club has been represented at 2006 ZI Convention in Melbourne and 2010 ZI Convention in Torino Zonta International Foundation: The club has contributed one third of funds raised to Zonta International Foundation most years and has members making individual contributions. The club has indicated its preference on occasion. All ZI projects have been supported. In 2013, Isabel Ferguson, our club candidate for YWPA award was selected as D16 candidate and won the ZI YWPA award. Prepared by Sue McGuire, archivist 2014.
Compiled by Historian: Sue McGuire